Our Philosophy
Our preschool program is an integral part of the Christian education at Lafayette United Methodist Church. Our students visit the Chapel weekly with Anjoli our Director of Student Ministry learning songs, and hearing simple bible stories using play based approaches.
Our Christian philosophy embraces grace with morning snack and lunch. This is a prelude to further growth and development toward Christian understanding. A feeling of God’s love for families and all people is ongoing in loving, caring relationships with other children, their parents and a caring staff. |
Our Teaching Goals using the
California Preschool Learning Foundations
Social and Emotional Development We will allow time for children to talk about what they see, do and like. We will use children's names frequently in songs and games. We will display children's work and photos of children. We will encourage children to draw pictures, tell stories about self and family. We will provide many opportunities for children to initiate activities; to develop and demonstrate control of their bodies and self help skills. We will assist children in social interactions. We will create space and time for small groups of children to build blocks together or enjoy dramatic play. We will provide opportunities for sharing, caring, and helping, such as making cards for a sick child or caring for pets. Language and Literacy Development We will read books and poems, tell stories about experiences, talk about pictures and write down stories children dictate. We will provide time for conversation; ask children questions that require more than a one word answers. We will answer children's questions and add more information to what a child verbalizes. We will label things in the room, use written words with pictures and spoken language and provide a print-rich environment. We will use flannel boards, puppets, songs, finger plays. We will encourage children's emerging interest in writing (scribbling, drawing, copying, and inventing their own spelling). Mathematics: (Think, Reason, Question, and Experiment) We will plan activities for labeling, classifying, sorting objects by shape, color, size. We will discuss daily and weekly routines in terms of time concepts and seasons of the year. We will extend children's thinking and learning during activities by adding new materials, asking open-ended questions, offering ideas or suggestions, joining in their play, and providing assistance in solving problems. We will observe natural events such as seeds growing and life cycle of plants. We will create opportunities to use numbers, geometry, algebra and counting objects. We will provide and encourage water and sand play. History & Social Studies All of our classroom will be involved in social studies through project based studies. Studies help children develop content knowledge as they work on projects over time and are guided by adults who understand how to support children's learning. Each day’s learning builds upon what was studied before, and each new study provides opportunities for children to extend skills acquired in previous work. We will take walks around building or neighborhood. Plan trips to provide new learning experiences for preschoolers. Visual and Performing Arts We will encourage Creative Expression and Appreciation for the Arts: We will do creative activities such as brush painting, drawing, collage, and play dough. We will provide space and time for dancing, movement activities, and creative dramatics. We will do musical activities such as singing, listening to music, playing instruments. Our art activities are offered as an exploratory process rather than to produce a product. Health Our children will cook and serve a variety of nutritious foods. We will discuss good nutrition. We will do activities to develop safety awareness in the program, home and community. We will invite the Police and Fire Department to visit our school each year. We will encourage healthy practices such as washing hands, getting regular exercise and enough rest. We will talk about visiting the doctor and dentist. The dentist will visit our school. Physical Development We will provide time and space for active play such as jumping, running, balancing, climbing, riding tricycles. We will provide creative movement activities using obstacle courses and activity songs, including performing arts. We will provide fine-motor activities such as stacking rings, pop-beads, pegboards, puzzles, lacing cards and woodworking. Science Children will have opportunities to observe and investigate and then document and communicate their findings. They will have opportunities to explore physical, life and earth sciences. They will study changes in nonliving objects and materials, properties and characteristics of living things, along with changes in living things. We will introduce properties and characteristics of Earth materials and objects and changes in the Earth. Dual Language Learners Language is a tool of communication used in all developmental domains. Children who are English learners need to be supported not only in activities focused on language and literacy, but across the entire curriculum. Successful interactions promote extended conversations that include repeated turn taking and shared experiences to communicate interests, ideas, and emotions. We are committed to building relationships with families to learn about home languages and the goals you have for your children. |