Our curriculum is literacy based and intentional. In summary, our curriculum starts with a quality picture book followed with meaningful activity choices that are intentionally integrated and well planned. That does not mean that children do not have free choice as we are a play based preschool. Each day the teacher plans activities based on children’s interest and supports their play. Our curriculum incorporates the California Preschool Learning Foundations and Desired Results Developmental Profile. During each week we cover the following areas in our daily activities; social emotional, language and literacy, cognitive and math, visual and performing arts, history, social science and science. Teachers record anecdotal notes and create individual portfolios for each child in their care.
The curriculum at Joyful Beginnings offers a wide variety of multicultural, non-stereotyping materials and activities that help foster each child's self-concept and self-esteem, and respectfully supports cultural differences within our community. This helps children to share their family life experiences with pride, and gain knowledge of the ways of others, while learning a general appreciation of differences and similarities among people.
The Teacher's role in child-chosen activities is to prepare the environment with stimulating, challenging activity choices and then to facilitate the children's engagement. All children are encouraged to explore indoors, and outdoors, aiding them in feelings of autonomy and success. Outdoor experiences are an integral part of our curriculum, including time to exercise small and large muscle coordination, nature study, and the freedom outdoor space allows.
The curriculum at Joyful Beginnings offers a wide variety of multicultural, non-stereotyping materials and activities that help foster each child's self-concept and self-esteem, and respectfully supports cultural differences within our community. This helps children to share their family life experiences with pride, and gain knowledge of the ways of others, while learning a general appreciation of differences and similarities among people.
The Teacher's role in child-chosen activities is to prepare the environment with stimulating, challenging activity choices and then to facilitate the children's engagement. All children are encouraged to explore indoors, and outdoors, aiding them in feelings of autonomy and success. Outdoor experiences are an integral part of our curriculum, including time to exercise small and large muscle coordination, nature study, and the freedom outdoor space allows.